Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Turmeric + Soap=Indian Sandalwood Soap

Indian Sandalwood Handmade Natural Soap
This Amazing Soap is made with Healthy, Natural Ingredients
blended with extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil, raw shea butter, activated charcoal and Turmeric for a yummy spicy, sweet, detoxifying scented  bar. True to life sandalwood scent is  woody sweet with a bit of musk underneath. Absolutely a perfect sandalwood Soap!

So Why Turmeric?
Turmeric is a popular ancient spice that is used as a flavoring and coloring agent in food items and as a medicinal herb for treating several disorders
Turmeric has been used in Asian cuisine and medicine for centuries to treat various conditions.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce redness from blemishes and rosacea, and the antibacterial properties disinfect the skin and combat acne. It also reduces the appearance of dark circles.

It's known for its amazing ability to reduce acne and scarring.

People with oily skin or acne scars who use turmeric on a regular basis can expect a noticeable improvement in the quality of their skin.

Turmeric is an antioxidant that fends off free radicals that cause premature aging, and it can also help to correct an uneven skin tone. Many people who use turmeric skin treatments stop using foundation altogether.
Sounds pretty amazing huh?

There are No preservatives or Fillers in our Soaps.

I definitely had my Soapie MOJO going on when I started this soap. My first thought was, how will I design this soap. I knew exactly the ingredients I was going to use but I wasn't quite sure how to design the soap?  I'm still new to all the different soap techniques so I jumped right in with splashes and swirls of black (activated charcoal) white, Yellow (Turmeric) and a Tan-ish/pink colors...I really had a lot of fun with this soap. The process went along very smoothly and that's great because anything can happen when your making soap. Believe me! I have had some real soap FLOPS! I am happy to say that That this was a fun soap to make and it came out better than I expected  (pat on the back) 
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Until Next Time Friends!


Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Soapie Frolic's Blackberry Sage Soap

Today was all about Blackberry Sage soap!
I absolutely Love the way This Soap smells, This was my first time making this soap and I guess you can say that I didn't Plan this one out the same way I would the others. I guess its part of the learning curve. I thought about adding some fresh sage to the Top of this soap but it was already to late. I would have preferred the color of the soap to be darker however I'm hoping the next 4-6 weeks of curing time will cause the soap to become slightly darker. I'm happy with the Dead Sea Salt on top but will definitely add Dried Sage or Sage infused oils on the next Batch.

I love the smell of this fragrance oil- This will definitely be a keeper! Let me know what you think!