Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All about the Sun and Sunscreen!

Happy Sunday Friends!

Since having children every Spring I would run to one of the local chain stores and buy sunscreen for my children.  I never used sunscreen on myself or my  Husband. As a matter of fact I was a kid growing up in the 1980's when people used baby oil as tanning oil. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about and others are thinking Seriously?

It wasn't until I turned 40 years old, received a diagnose of Celiac disease that I started paying attention to what I was putting in my body as well as putting on my body. The last thing I want to purchase for my family is foods that contain GMO and skin products full of preservatives.

I started doing lots of research and educating myself on foods and many skincare and bath products.  One of the resources I love  to use is EWG which stands for Environmental Workers Group.

After much research on sunscreen and the Ingredients used, I have decided to go Chemical free and a  more Natural way. I have been using Ocean friendly Sunscreen lotion from Lemongrass Spa. My whole family uses it with full protection from the sun.
My future goal for The Soapie frolic is to create a sunscreen that is 100% safe.

I feel strongly about passing along this information about the Chemicals that are being put into sunscreen. We as consumers, assume that these products are safe  because why wouldn't they be?

Feel Free to click on the link and review safe sunscreens on the market and the one's that are full of chemicals that are unsafe.

There is a lot of great Information! If you are interested in learning more about Lemongrass Spa ocean friendly Sunscreen, click the link below!

Just Remember this one thing!
Ditch The chemicals and Make the Switch!

Have a Relaxing and Safe Sunday friends!

The Soapie Frolic