Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Crude oil to Petroleum Jelly, SAY WHAT?

So, How many of you use Petroleum Jelly? Maybe you grew up with Mom pulling out the Vaseline for just about everything from cuts to chapped lips to dry skin. My father in Law had the worst  psoriasis I had ever seen and I remember him telling me that many years ago he would use petroleum jelly. Let's face it, many of us have heard all the stories about grandma who applied nothing but Vaseline her whole life and had no wrinkles until the ripe old age of 90. Surely these ingredients must be okay, since they're on the market?

Well, yes and No. I never gave it any thought that petroleum jelly nor mineral oil  could have non-natural origins. I guess I always assumed that everything that is on the market is safe and healthy for you. It wasn't until I started researching and educating myself about natural healthy Ingredients that I really threw myself into creating my own Skincare products.

So what exactly is crude oil? Crude oil is a naturally occurring, Unrefined petroleum product, obtained through oil drilling. Crude oil can be refined to produce usable products such as gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, floor wax, asphalt, ink, Solvents, motor oil, nail polish, hand lotion, candles, shampoo, deodorant, Petroleum jelly and the list goes on.

According to the Environmental workers group (EWG) a whopping 80 percent of all beauty products on the market may be contaminated with with one or more of the 2 dozen reconized cosmetic impurities that are linked to cancer and other health concerns and petroleum and mineral oil  based products are NO exception.
The EWG goes on to say:

"These trace contaminants in petroleum based ingredients often readily penetrate the skin according to government and industry studies, and their presence in products is not restricted by government safety standards-they are legal at any level"

Petroleum is an "occlusive" agent meaning it seals off the skin from air, water or anything else getting in or out. It forms an invisible film on the surface that blocks the pores and the skin's natural respiration process.  Not great for the acne prone Individual. You would be better off putting saran wrap over your body. Not only that, the occlusive nature of petroleum could also create a warm, moist environment for yeast and fungus to grow.

Petroleum Jelly don't allow moisture to be absorbed from the atmosphere, like other emollients can, nor will it allow absorption of other beneficial ingredients that may be in other skin care products you are using. There is nothing in Petroleum jelly that is nourishing.

Let's face it friends, it's a cheap filler material and this is why its in so many beauty products.
Why settle for that when you could use something better?

Instead of petroleum or mineral oil, I recommend coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, jojoba oil and cocoa butter. These ingredients are ones I use at The soapie Frolic in all my Handmade soaps, body butters, etc. I can personally say that it has made a huge difference with my eczema. 4 out of 5 of my children suffer from eczema and it has helped tremendously switching to natural healthy oils.

So, What do you think? 

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