Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

So, What is Triclosan?

During all my research on cosmetic Ingredients I came across one ingredient several times over. This ingredient is Tricolsan. So what is Triclosan??

Triclosan is a chemical compound that can prevent the growth of bacteria. It's not just in antibacterial soaps: clothing, furniture, toys, toothpaste, kitchenware and cosmetics also contain triclosan and its chemical cousin, triclocarban. Manufacturers add these ingredients to prevent bacteria from growing in or on their products.Used for its antibacterial benefit.

That sounds like a good thing. I want my soap to get rid of germs.

Everyone does, but triclosan doesn't get rid of germs any better than regular soap. Study after study have found that all soaps are antibacterial, and hands that are washed with regular soap are just as clean and germ-free as hands washed with soap that contains triclosan. In other words, it does nothing to help clean hands.

The FDA has stated that this ingredient is NOT hazardous to humans. On the other hand I have  read some great information from the EWG (environmental workers group) and the resistance that can occur from constant use of tricolsan, in addition to side effects it can cause.

Feel free to read the article from EWG, click the link below.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding Triclosan. The FDA says that it is not currently known to be  hazardous to humans. This is an ingredient which has been used for 30 years in many products.
Why is this chemical/pesticide ban in Europe? There is a lot of mixed reviews out there.  So, what is the correct information and what does it mean to all us? the consumers? Do we take the word of the FDA and EPA? Why would it be okay to allow companies to use this ingredients in products we pay for with our hard earned money only to be bad for us? Well, I think we need to be more proactive about what we use on our bodies and what we consume into our bodies. I have my opinion on why I try to avoid Triclosan these days. I read labels and yes I question lots of ingredients used in products that are on the market. Only the consumer can choose what they will buy and allow to be used by themselves and their family.

The choice is yours!