Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Soapie Green Apple Explosion

Today was about a Green Apple Explosion at The Soapie Frolic.  The Fall season is quickly  approaching and I wanted to add a Apple soap to the Fall collection. I wanted something that was a alittle sweet and alittle sour. The best of both Worlds.

This Morning I was back in the Soapie kitchen and the Green Apple Explosion came alive. Its a Cold process soap made with Organic coconut oil, Raw shea butter, Organic olive oil, grapeseed oil with Bentonite clay added in. It smells so yummy. With this soap there is a curing time of 4-6 weeks!

Don't fear my friends, Green Apple Explosion will be ready by Fall. I'm really excited for the 2016 Fall collection and a couple of the Halloween Soaps that are in the works.

Green apple explosion will be cut into 4.5oz bars and cost  $ 6.00 a bar. This soap wont be ready for 4-6 weeks so it will be available for sale after August 28,2016.

We currently Have Blueberry Splat, Fruity POM, Rosy Clay, Orange and Vanilla Honey Yogurt soap Bars on sale for 6.00 a bar or 3 for 15.00.

Feel free to contact me through The Soapie Frolic Website or
I sell through Etsy also.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 Skincare Types, Do you know yours?

Do you know your skin type? Do you know what type of cleanser you should be using? 
I have been doing a lot of research at The Soapie Frolic lately because my future plan for the company is to create a facial cleanser for all skin types. Upon all the reading I find that most people don't really know their skin type or  they are not using the right cleanser for their skin type or just don't know what to use. If your a person with Normal skin you can enjoy just about any cleanser you desire however its best to veer away from ones especially for oily and dry skin. You don't want to throw off your skin's PH balance and cause your face to dry out. 

There are so Many Cleanser's on the market and it can be pretty frustrating trying to find the one for your particular skin type. I'm going to list some of the natural ingredients used in facial cleansers for each skin type instead of Individual company products. I believe that Ingredients is key. Things that work for you may not be the case with other Individuals. I also don't settle on just one product however I focus in on those Ingredients.

  • Normal Skin type: Your skin has a even tone, is clear , with fine texture and smooth surface which is neither greasy nor dry. There are no visible pores, blemishes, greasy patches or flaky areas. Cleansing your face 2 times a day is beneficial. Using a Rose water toner with a astringent that contains No alcohol will help keep skin refreshed, pores tight and remove traces of debris. Chamomile, fennel, geranium, lavender, patchouli, rose, sandalwood and lemon are great essential oils that can be used in facial products.

  • Oily Skin type: Oily skin can look course due to enlarged pores and overall dull appearance, but due to the overproduction of oil, skin has a shiny greasy sheen. This skin type has enlarged pores, may contain blackheads, pimples and blemishes. There can be several causes which include abnormal hormone levels, diet, genetics, cosmetics that contain pore blocking ingredients, stress and Humid heat. 

  • Dry Skin type: This skin type can appear mildly dry, flaky and slightly tight. Severe dry skin conditions can be itchy and look 'splotchy' in appearance. Dry skin almost has a dull rough complexion, red patches, more visible lines, less elasticity and almost invisible pores. Causes for dry skin can be outdoor exposure to cold, windy conditions causing red chapped skin. Sun in the warmer months take away essential skin moisture while also exposing skin to sun damage. Skin conditions such as contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis can cause dry skin. Other causes for dry skin is poor diet, genes, Indoor heating, tanning beds, cosmetics and certain medications.

  • Sensitive Skin type: This skin type can display redness, itchiness, burning and dryness. Sometimes particular skin care products can cause these side effects. Injured or damaged skin can have extreme sensitivity because there is nothing to protect nerve endings.  Allergic reactions and skin conditions can cause facial skin to be sensitive. Exposure to harsh environmental conditons can cause redness, tightness,heat rashes and dryness. As we age skin can become more sensitive.

  • Mature Skin Type: As you age your skin loses both collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm, plump and wrinkle free, and elastin, a protein that gives strength and allows it to stretch. Exposure to free radicals and the sun's UV light can cause further damage to collagen and elastin. Without high concentration of elastin you may notice skin will begin to sag, stretch and tear more easily. As you age skin don't shed quickly and skin may not regenerate new, healthy cells so easily, which can cause skin to appear rough and dull.  Mature skin has a tendency to dry out more , sweat and oil glands tend to deplete with age, depriving the skin of some of its natural moisture.

Be aware of all skincare products your are using! Remember if you cant pronounce the ingredients on the package why would you use it?
The Soapie Frolic has a goal of launching a facial cleanser by the end of the year... Fingers Crossed.
I will be announcing the launch of several new products at a future date.

Please stay Tuned Friends!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Who Is the Soapie Frolic?

So, Who Is The Soapie Frolic? Its a Bath & Body and skin company with a Heathy pathway leading down to natural, Chemical free skincare and bath products. Its a adventure that I wanted to take to create and give healthy options for people to choose and To educate, inform and allow individuals to have an opinion and choice on skincare products.
  I know I'm not the only person in this world who has concerns about store shelf cosmetic products. To think that less than 10% of healthy ingredients are going into your favorite soap and the rest is a filler. If that is not a waste of your hard earn dollars, I don't know what is.  Across every big city and small town are local soap makers like myself.  Buying local and made to order skincare products is absolutely a better investment and great friendly customer service. For most of us in the soap business we are here because its a passion, therefor you can always expect friendly one on one customer service and quality products.

At The Soapie Frolic, we provide Healthy, raw, high quality Ingredients in our products. I love telling  people about the products we offer and Ingredients we use. Even if you are undecided and mixed about our products, we offer samples because I want people to be confident and happy with our products and future purchases.

Our main Ingredients are Organic Unrefined Coconut oil, Raw Shea butter, Olive oil, sweet almond oil, Sunflower oil, jojoba oil  and Apricot oil. Don't get me wrong we use other oils including Infused oils with fresh Botanicals. We use a variety of  botanicals in our products . We use  many  Essential oils and fragrance oils , Rosewater, aloe vera and green tea. We use many powders including coconut milk, yogurt, raw honey, finely crushed walnut shells, activated Charcoal, pomegranate, Silk, crushed Luffa and Vitamin C. We use a variety of Clay's, Dead sea salt, Himalayan Sea salt and Epsom salt. We use Oatmeal and Local Raw honey.

We offer Limited Edition  and Seasonal products.

I'm so excited to be on this adventure. I have a passion and excitement for making Soap and all the products at The Soapie Frolic. I'm ready for what's ahead and I'm excited to see the growth over the next year.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

More on Antibacterial Soaps....Ongoing dilemma.


I recently wrote about the Ingredient Triclosan. This is found in Antibacterial soaps and gels. Today while I was doing some reading I came across a article that I wanted to share.
Click on the link below.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Crude oil to Petroleum Jelly, SAY WHAT?

So, How many of you use Petroleum Jelly? Maybe you grew up with Mom pulling out the Vaseline for just about everything from cuts to chapped lips to dry skin. My father in Law had the worst  psoriasis I had ever seen and I remember him telling me that many years ago he would use petroleum jelly. Let's face it, many of us have heard all the stories about grandma who applied nothing but Vaseline her whole life and had no wrinkles until the ripe old age of 90. Surely these ingredients must be okay, since they're on the market?

Well, yes and No. I never gave it any thought that petroleum jelly nor mineral oil  could have non-natural origins. I guess I always assumed that everything that is on the market is safe and healthy for you. It wasn't until I started researching and educating myself about natural healthy Ingredients that I really threw myself into creating my own Skincare products.

So what exactly is crude oil? Crude oil is a naturally occurring, Unrefined petroleum product, obtained through oil drilling. Crude oil can be refined to produce usable products such as gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, floor wax, asphalt, ink, Solvents, motor oil, nail polish, hand lotion, candles, shampoo, deodorant, Petroleum jelly and the list goes on.

According to the Environmental workers group (EWG) a whopping 80 percent of all beauty products on the market may be contaminated with with one or more of the 2 dozen reconized cosmetic impurities that are linked to cancer and other health concerns and petroleum and mineral oil  based products are NO exception.
The EWG goes on to say:

"These trace contaminants in petroleum based ingredients often readily penetrate the skin according to government and industry studies, and their presence in products is not restricted by government safety standards-they are legal at any level"

Petroleum is an "occlusive" agent meaning it seals off the skin from air, water or anything else getting in or out. It forms an invisible film on the surface that blocks the pores and the skin's natural respiration process.  Not great for the acne prone Individual. You would be better off putting saran wrap over your body. Not only that, the occlusive nature of petroleum could also create a warm, moist environment for yeast and fungus to grow.

Petroleum Jelly don't allow moisture to be absorbed from the atmosphere, like other emollients can, nor will it allow absorption of other beneficial ingredients that may be in other skin care products you are using. There is nothing in Petroleum jelly that is nourishing.

Let's face it friends, it's a cheap filler material and this is why its in so many beauty products.
Why settle for that when you could use something better?

Instead of petroleum or mineral oil, I recommend coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, jojoba oil and cocoa butter. These ingredients are ones I use at The soapie Frolic in all my Handmade soaps, body butters, etc. I can personally say that it has made a huge difference with my eczema. 4 out of 5 of my children suffer from eczema and it has helped tremendously switching to natural healthy oils.

So, What do you think? 

You can check out my website-
To order any of my products-



Sunday, July 17, 2016

So, What is Triclosan?

During all my research on cosmetic Ingredients I came across one ingredient several times over. This ingredient is Tricolsan. So what is Triclosan??

Triclosan is a chemical compound that can prevent the growth of bacteria. It's not just in antibacterial soaps: clothing, furniture, toys, toothpaste, kitchenware and cosmetics also contain triclosan and its chemical cousin, triclocarban. Manufacturers add these ingredients to prevent bacteria from growing in or on their products.Used for its antibacterial benefit.

That sounds like a good thing. I want my soap to get rid of germs.

Everyone does, but triclosan doesn't get rid of germs any better than regular soap. Study after study have found that all soaps are antibacterial, and hands that are washed with regular soap are just as clean and germ-free as hands washed with soap that contains triclosan. In other words, it does nothing to help clean hands.

The FDA has stated that this ingredient is NOT hazardous to humans. On the other hand I have  read some great information from the EWG (environmental workers group) and the resistance that can occur from constant use of tricolsan, in addition to side effects it can cause.

Feel free to read the article from EWG, click the link below.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding Triclosan. The FDA says that it is not currently known to be  hazardous to humans. This is an ingredient which has been used for 30 years in many products.
Why is this chemical/pesticide ban in Europe? There is a lot of mixed reviews out there.  So, what is the correct information and what does it mean to all us? the consumers? Do we take the word of the FDA and EPA? Why would it be okay to allow companies to use this ingredients in products we pay for with our hard earned money only to be bad for us? Well, I think we need to be more proactive about what we use on our bodies and what we consume into our bodies. I have my opinion on why I try to avoid Triclosan these days. I read labels and yes I question lots of ingredients used in products that are on the market. Only the consumer can choose what they will buy and allow to be used by themselves and their family.

The choice is yours!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

What's the difference in store Bought and Handmade?

Why Natural Handcrafted Soap?

Why you ask? Why should I buy handmade soap when I can get more soap for less money at the grocery store? It's true that the Natural soap cost more but your getting healthy and High quality soap that is good for your skin.

Generally, the commercial soaps carried at most chain stores, etc. are full of chemical additives, additives that not only dry out your skin but can lead to rashes and other irritations. This is not only because of the synthetic additives in the soap but also because most soap companies take the glycerin out of their soap. The commercial soap bars that line most grocery stores’ shelves are actually synthetic detergents. While that's great for your dishes, it's not very good for your skin.
Handmade Soap is soap in its true, pure form. It gently cleanses away excess oils and bacteria, but doesn't strip your skin of its natural oils.

If the commercial soap company does put in some natural ingredients along with its synthetic ones, they do so in such small quantities as for it to be inconspicuous in the soap. Its main purpose is to catch the eye of the consumer and give them the illusion that this soap is more natural. If you read the ingredient labels though, the soap is still primarily made with synthetic ingredients.

Using commercial soaps over time leave your skin dried out, or way to oily ,and feeling like its never clean. Natural handmade soap, that only uses natural ingredients, can restore the moisture to your skin, while still getting you clean. You will be amazed at the difference! 

Handmade soap is a cleanser made with simple ingredients that are good for your skin. In the handcrafted soap making process, oils and fats are combined with lye to produce soap and glycerin. Some people may question the use of lye in handmade soap. The fact is that all soap is made with lye. What needs to be made clear is that once the process of saponification is complete, the lye and oil molecules have combined and chemically changed into soap and glycerin. ALL bar soaps are made with lye, however, when made correctly, there is NO LYE remaining in the final bar of soap. Whether your soap is manufactured by large corporations, or smaller handcrafted soap makers, the above rings true, regardless. Lye must be used to make the soap, but there should never be any remaining lye in the final bar to hurt the skin. Saponification is the chemical reaction created by combining these oils or fats with water and lye.

Soap is made by adding water, oil and butters together, along with something to form them into soap (an alkali). That ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide which is lye. For liquid soaps.  The chemical reaction is called saponification. The soap maker must calculate the correct amount of lye for the specific oils used in each recipe. If too much lye is used, the bar may be hard and crumbly. If too little, the bar becomes soft and will become rancid faster, due to the natural oils & butters that are used in handmade soap.

Saponification is a chemical reaction that takes place when oil is mixed with an alkali solution, such is sodium hydroxide (lye), water & oils or butters. In other words, the oil and lye combine to make soap. When the proper amounts are used at the proper temperatures, all of the lye and oil are consumed by the reaction and only the soap remains. Generally, slightly more oil is used resulting in a soap that is more moisturizing for the skin and ensuring that all of the lye is used up in the curing process.

If you have never tried natural soap, Its worth putting to the test. You will be absolutely amazed and will never want to go back to the chemical filled store Soap.

Usage and Storage:

Since handcrafted soap has no synthetic chemical preservatives but has natural preservatives such as , grapeseed oil extract or Vitamin E, your bar of handcrafted soap needs more care and diligence to insure a long life.
Handcrafted soap is best stored out of water so that it air dries. Rest your soap on a draining soap dish or stand it on its side, out of the spray range of the shower head. If left in water, handcrafted soap tends to dissolve due to the soap and glycerin molecules that wash clean with water. 

If interested in trying some serious Natural Soap
Try local farmer's markets, Local retailers, Vendor/craft shows and etsy is a great way to find Natural soap.
click the Link below to see The Soapie Frolic Co.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All about the Sun and Sunscreen!

Happy Sunday Friends!

Since having children every Spring I would run to one of the local chain stores and buy sunscreen for my children.  I never used sunscreen on myself or my  Husband. As a matter of fact I was a kid growing up in the 1980's when people used baby oil as tanning oil. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about and others are thinking Seriously?

It wasn't until I turned 40 years old, received a diagnose of Celiac disease that I started paying attention to what I was putting in my body as well as putting on my body. The last thing I want to purchase for my family is foods that contain GMO and skin products full of preservatives.

I started doing lots of research and educating myself on foods and many skincare and bath products.  One of the resources I love  to use is EWG which stands for Environmental Workers Group.

After much research on sunscreen and the Ingredients used, I have decided to go Chemical free and a  more Natural way. I have been using Ocean friendly Sunscreen lotion from Lemongrass Spa. My whole family uses it with full protection from the sun.
My future goal for The Soapie frolic is to create a sunscreen that is 100% safe.

I feel strongly about passing along this information about the Chemicals that are being put into sunscreen. We as consumers, assume that these products are safe  because why wouldn't they be?

Feel Free to click on the link and review safe sunscreens on the market and the one's that are full of chemicals that are unsafe.

There is a lot of great Information! If you are interested in learning more about Lemongrass Spa ocean friendly Sunscreen, click the link below!

Just Remember this one thing!
Ditch The chemicals and Make the Switch!

Have a Relaxing and Safe Sunday friends!

The Soapie Frolic

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Making of Fruity Pom

Yesterday I started my day off with making Soap. I've been interested in in pomegranate seed oil for awhile and after some research thought it was time to finally make that soap.

Pomegranate Seed oil comes from the Punica Granatum tree.
When you open up a pomegranate you will find a number of compartments which consists of large number of soft, red, arils contained in a thick red outer covering. These arils contain  a seed covered by gelatinous pulp which can be deep in red, white or purple in color.
The seeds are compressed and the oils are squeezed out.

Pomegranate oil is for all skin types.  It absorbs deeply into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. This oil does not clog pores. Perfect! huh?
Pomegranate oil is hydrating and helps with eczema, sunburn and psoriasis.

Another great benefit is that it improves elasticity while regenerating the skin by causing old dead skin cells to slough off more quickly. Its Excellent for anti-aging and has a high level of antioxidants that challenge free radicals and keep your skin from aging to quickly!  Pomegranate seed oil helps to promote Collagen and elastin production.  This sounds wonderful for someone in the 40 something  year old range like myself, haha!
It helps to reduce scarring!

This is a wonderful oil for everyone and any skin type! I spent time researching and educating myself
on Pomegranate seed oil and I'm happy that I was able to make my soap using such a wonderful, healthy oil.

Our Fruity POM is curing and will be available after August 1, 2016.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July from The Soapie Frolic Family!

As you celebrate Independence Day with your gatherings and BBQs and your fireworks, take a moment to remember those who have sacrificed for us. America has it's Independence because of strong brave and woman. If you know a Veteran, be sure to thank them for helping keep America Free. Remember we are THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE
Happy Independence Day From The Soapie Frolic Family

Why Coconut oil?

So, you have probably heard how great Coconut oil is, whether its used internally or externally.
One of the main Ingredients that I use in The Soapie Frolic product is Coconut oil.
Coconut Oil is rich with  Proteins.
These proteins keep skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally. Proteins also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair, along with a wide range of other essential activities within the body. For any damaged cells on or near the skin, a healthy flow of proteins guarantees their replacement at a normal rate, whereas people with protein-deficient diets heal slower and often develop more obvious scars due to the extended healing time.

The best property of coconut oil that makes it so beneficial for skin is that it does not become rancid. When you apply it on the skin, it can work for a longer time, unlike many other oils, without it getting rancid. Due to these beneficial properties, this is why I use Coconut oil in most of my products..

Coconut oil has been praised and popularized for its anti-aging properties. It is rich in fatty acid or triglycerides.  When applied on the skin, it keeps it smooth to the touch. Due to the presence of these fats, coconut oil also retains the moisture content of the skin, as the fats eliminate moisture loss through the pores on skin. When ingested through the regular consumption of coconut oil, these fats deposit under the skin, thus keeping it healthy and smooth, giving it an even tone and reducing the appearance of the pores.

My family and I use Coconut oil as a daily ritual and it has been the best choice for us and a positive change. I would never go back to using my chemical filled products.
During some researching I was doing I came across a company called Lemongrass Spa. As I scanned the website, I realized that I found some very common ground and interest  with this Company's mission.  Everything I believe in was a reality with this company.  There was no doubt that I wanted to become a independent Consultant.  This has been a great Experience and what a bunch of great Consultants that are part of LGS.

So back to Why I love coconut oil. It smells great! Leaves Skin nourished and smooth. It is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing and helps with inflammation of the skin like eczema and other skin disorders. This is definitely the most cost effective healthy ingredient that I have used, why would I want to touch any of those $60.00 face creams full of chemicals? 

For Any questions regarding The Soapie Frolic products, Please feel free to send me a message!

Your Friend
Lesley xoxoxo