Naturally Healthy Skincare products!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 Skincare Types, Do you know yours?

Do you know your skin type? Do you know what type of cleanser you should be using? 
I have been doing a lot of research at The Soapie Frolic lately because my future plan for the company is to create a facial cleanser for all skin types. Upon all the reading I find that most people don't really know their skin type or  they are not using the right cleanser for their skin type or just don't know what to use. If your a person with Normal skin you can enjoy just about any cleanser you desire however its best to veer away from ones especially for oily and dry skin. You don't want to throw off your skin's PH balance and cause your face to dry out. 

There are so Many Cleanser's on the market and it can be pretty frustrating trying to find the one for your particular skin type. I'm going to list some of the natural ingredients used in facial cleansers for each skin type instead of Individual company products. I believe that Ingredients is key. Things that work for you may not be the case with other Individuals. I also don't settle on just one product however I focus in on those Ingredients.

  • Normal Skin type: Your skin has a even tone, is clear , with fine texture and smooth surface which is neither greasy nor dry. There are no visible pores, blemishes, greasy patches or flaky areas. Cleansing your face 2 times a day is beneficial. Using a Rose water toner with a astringent that contains No alcohol will help keep skin refreshed, pores tight and remove traces of debris. Chamomile, fennel, geranium, lavender, patchouli, rose, sandalwood and lemon are great essential oils that can be used in facial products.

  • Oily Skin type: Oily skin can look course due to enlarged pores and overall dull appearance, but due to the overproduction of oil, skin has a shiny greasy sheen. This skin type has enlarged pores, may contain blackheads, pimples and blemishes. There can be several causes which include abnormal hormone levels, diet, genetics, cosmetics that contain pore blocking ingredients, stress and Humid heat. 

  • Dry Skin type: This skin type can appear mildly dry, flaky and slightly tight. Severe dry skin conditions can be itchy and look 'splotchy' in appearance. Dry skin almost has a dull rough complexion, red patches, more visible lines, less elasticity and almost invisible pores. Causes for dry skin can be outdoor exposure to cold, windy conditions causing red chapped skin. Sun in the warmer months take away essential skin moisture while also exposing skin to sun damage. Skin conditions such as contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis can cause dry skin. Other causes for dry skin is poor diet, genes, Indoor heating, tanning beds, cosmetics and certain medications.

  • Sensitive Skin type: This skin type can display redness, itchiness, burning and dryness. Sometimes particular skin care products can cause these side effects. Injured or damaged skin can have extreme sensitivity because there is nothing to protect nerve endings.  Allergic reactions and skin conditions can cause facial skin to be sensitive. Exposure to harsh environmental conditons can cause redness, tightness,heat rashes and dryness. As we age skin can become more sensitive.

  • Mature Skin Type: As you age your skin loses both collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm, plump and wrinkle free, and elastin, a protein that gives strength and allows it to stretch. Exposure to free radicals and the sun's UV light can cause further damage to collagen and elastin. Without high concentration of elastin you may notice skin will begin to sag, stretch and tear more easily. As you age skin don't shed quickly and skin may not regenerate new, healthy cells so easily, which can cause skin to appear rough and dull.  Mature skin has a tendency to dry out more , sweat and oil glands tend to deplete with age, depriving the skin of some of its natural moisture.

Be aware of all skincare products your are using! Remember if you cant pronounce the ingredients on the package why would you use it?
The Soapie Frolic has a goal of launching a facial cleanser by the end of the year... Fingers Crossed.
I will be announcing the launch of several new products at a future date.

Please stay Tuned Friends!

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